Customer Maniac
These are the ideas, thoughts and insights of a customer champion who has helped some of North America's largest companies service and sell with excellence

Friday, December 22, 2006

Don’t Miss this Incredible Opportunity

Do you know the saying, it is 5 times cheaper to sell an existing customer as it is to sell a new one? I believe that. Do you know it probably cost $ 200 - $ 300 to acquire a new wireless customer?

If a call center was to stay on the telephone for another 5 minutes on average, that cost would be trivial cost versus acquiring a new customer through other marketing channels. So I challenge all you strategic planners to think about this. And think, if someone offered you a better service package, with an exptened time commitment woud you take it? You bet you would and you would probably tell your friends what a great experience you just had. So why does this never happen to us?

The answer is simple. The reason you virtually never get a proactive sales pitch when you call is the phone center is too busy and they are stressed to meet service levels. The math suggests that they should add more people and start selling them after they have resolved their issue. Marketing people, maybe you should arrange a meeting with the VP of Customer service and see what can be done. Maybe you need to benchmark with an outside group to prove your point and pump up your profitability.


  • Dan,
    I have been curious where you are and appreciate your wisdom regarding customer behavior and relationship.

    If you get this, shoot me an email at

    Hope you are well,
    Daniel DeCesare

    By Blogger Unknown, At December 28, 2006 at 4:59:00 PM PST  

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